Maties Sport Women’s Month Articles
“Strong women have grit and grace.”
During the month of August – widely celebrated as Women’s Month in South Africa – we at Maties Sport will take the opportunity to celebrate some of the extraordinary women who – with grit and grace – makes a difference in the lives of our student-athletes and the university sport environment.
Anche Nortje – Maties Hockey Administrator and Women’s Assistant Coach
Anche Nortje has completed a trifecta of roles at Maties Sport when she recently was permanently appointed as the Maties Hockey Coordinator.
She is responsible for coordination events, clinics and tournaments.
Anche is a former player at the hockey club and for the past three years assistant coach to the Women’s first team. Her working journey started in 2015. “I always have it as a goal to grow in my position and to take on more responsibility.”
Anche believes the biggest challenge is one that has been coming on since forever it seems. “People still find watching men compete more enjoyable than watching women compete. Therefor women often don’t get the same attention or credit as men.
No wonder then that Women’s Month has a very simple, but very important meaning for her. “Celebrating equality and equal respect for all.”
Anche has an attitude of taking on challenges, being willing for responsibilities and using every single opportunity. She is all about living in the moment. “My motto in life is to be more present. To stay in the moment. Be conscious. To know that your actions affect others and to constantly look at things from a different perspective.”
Her advice to young girls who want to make sport their life: “Start by having a plan. Find a good mentor and balance your life. Work towards a degree or do courses. Sport feels like everything while you compete, but there is a whole life after sport. Set yourself up to be a good athlete and a good career individual. And be thankful that you have the talent to play sport and learn so many skills.”