Academic Achiever and Sports Sensation, Erin Powers

Hailing from Makhanda, formerly known as Grahamstown, 20-year-old Erin Powers has had a passion for sports from a very young age. A former student and head girl at the Diocesan School for Girls (DSG) in the Eastern Cape, Erin has consistently strived for excellence in all her endeavours.

During her school years, Erin showcased her versatility by excelling in a variety of sports, including squash, netball, and basketball. Her dedication and skill were recognized with prestigious sports honours, including full colours in squash, basketball, and netball.

“I grew up playing a lot of sport; it was always a really big part of my life,” Erin shared.

Erin noted that the schoolgirls’ basketball team at her school often struggled to find competitive matches and ended up playing against boys’ teams in their league.

However, when she learned that basketball was offered as a high-performance sport at Maties Sport, she took the opportunity to try out. She was warmly welcomed by the Maties Basketball team and quickly found a supportive community.

Her inclusion in the Maties basketball team led to a significant achievement, playing at the recent FIBA 2024 3×3 U23 Nations League. This format of basketball is inspired by streetball played worldwide, known for its fast-paced nature, with two teams of three players competing on a half-court.

Selected as one part of a four-person South African squad, Powers travelled to Uganda to compete against other nations. The South African team’s performance improved their position in the FIBA world rankings.

“We were very happy with the level of play. I think maybe our results didn’t go quite the way we were hoping. But we were very competitive because some of the best countries in Africa were there,” says Powers.

The BA Political, Philosophical and Economic Studies second year student refers to her family as being her biggest supporters.

“I have a very supportive family that enabled me to pursue all my passions. There’s a quote that says if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. I really found that to be true because I’m always doing something that I love, so it never really feels like work and that’s goes for sport and the academics,” says Powers.

Reflecting on her transition from high school to university, Erin states that while balancing academics and sports in high school was a learning experience, adapting to university life has been a steeper learning curve.

“It’s really up to you to stay motivated, keep up with your studies, and remain focused,” she explains.

For Erin, leadership has always been a significant part of her life. This is reflected in her role as the vice-chairperson of Maties Basketball.

“I’ve always had a strong desire to help others, improve systems, and contribute wherever I can,” says Erin. “Leadership is about standing up and making a difference, especially when it comes to giving back to the community. I deeply care about my community and feel a strong commitment to reciprocate the support and opportunities I’ve received.”

With everything Erin has going on, she also manages to excel as a novice rower with the Maties Rowing Club. Joining the club in 2023 to blow off some steam, she found herself competing in the USSA Rowing Sprints earlier this year. Erin was part of the Maties B-team, specifically the WD4+ (Senior/Open age women’s coxed four) crew, who won in the finals. This achievement highlights her remarkable dedication and ability to balance multiple commitments while excelling in her sport.


By Jamie Wyngaardt