Terms and Conditions for Maties Sport Club Management: Internal Workshop Series

Terms and Conditions for Maties Sport Club Management: Internal Workshop Series 

If you are admitted to the Maties Sport Club Management: Internal Workshop Series, these terms and conditions will be part of your agreement with Maties Sport at Stellenbosch University. It is important that you understand all your responsibilities.

SECTION A: Application and Admission

  1. Accuracy of Information:
  • You must ensure that the information you have provided is correct. If the information is incorrect, your application can be rejected or your registration cancelled immediately.
  • If any of the information supplied on this form changes before the start of the workshop series, you must inform Maties Sport promptly.
  1. Selection Criteria:
  • Sport clubs and residents’ clusters are asked to nominate representatives (of all genders) to participate in the entire workshop series. Selection should be based on the individuals' roles, ensuring gender representation, commitment to attend all sessions, and the potential for role continuity within the club.
  • It is recommended that at least one representative be slated to remain on the club's committee for the following year to facilitate the transfer of knowledge.
  • You must comply with the specific selection criteria for attending the workshop series and ensure that you have supplied all the required information in this form.
  • Submitting your completed application form does not necessarily mean that you will be accepted. The workshop series allows a limited number of participants, and may already be full at the time of your registration.
  1. Admission Scope:
  • This application is only for admission to the workshop series. Maties Sport will not make any travel or accommodation arrangements. 

SECTION B: Rules of the University

  1. Adherence to University Rules:
    • During your time as a participant, you must follow the rules and regulations of the University, which are published in Part 1 (General) of the University Calendar. The University Calendar can be accessed at University Calendar Link.
  2. Plagiarism:
    • Plagiarism (using or copying another person’s thoughts, ideas, or expressions and representing them as your own original work) is considered a serious offence. You must read the University’s policy on the prevention and handling of plagiarism, which can be accessed at Plagiarism Policy Link.

SECTION C: Payment

  1. Payment will be the responsibility of each sport club. Arrangements will be made between sport managers and Andy de Bruin, once students have been registered.

SECTION D: Cancellations

  1. Cancellations Policy:
    • If you want to cancel your workshop attendance, you must do so in writing at least seven days before the start of the workshop series. Your workshop fees will be repaid to you minus a 5% administration fee.
    • If you cancel your attendance less than seven days before the start of the workshop series, a cancellation fee of 15% will be deducted from your workshop fees to cover the costs that the University has incurred in preparation for your attendance.
    • If you cancel your attendance less than 24 hours before the start of the workshop series, you will remain liable for 90% of your workshop fees.
    • There may be instances where it is decided that your circumstances made it impossible for you to attend and will waive the deductions. This will be entirely at the Maties Sport’s discretion, and you may be required to provide supporting documentation.

SECTION E: Exclusion of University’s Liability

  1. University’s Liability:
    • Maties Sport may decide to postpone or cancel any workshop due to insufficient demand or any other reasonable grounds. You have no claim against the University except for the repayment of any workshop fees that you have already paid.
    • The University will not be responsible for any harm to you or your property except for claims that fall under 9.3. This means that the University will not be liable to you or your dependants even while you are:
      • on University property;
      • participating in any activity relating to your studies or training;
      • participating in any other recreational activities;
      • using any of the University’s premises, buildings, equipment, or facilities; or
      • staying in or visiting any University residence or other accommodation.
    • You will only be able to bring a claim for harm to you or your property if the harm is caused because you had access to property or equipment that was defective or unsafe, or if you were not given proper instructions. In other words, you can only bring a claim that falls within Section 61 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008.

SECTION F: Privacy Policy

  1. Privacy Policy:
    • The University agrees to keep the information you have provided in this form and any information about you received from third parties confidential. Your information will only be made available if the University is legally required to do so, if the University must do so in order to fulfil its agreement with you, or if you have given your consent.

By submitting this registration form, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined above.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Dr Nana Adom-Aboagye at nadom-aboagye@sun.ac.za or 021 808 9922.