Maties shine at USSA championships
Maties excelled at the recent University Sport of South Africa (USSA) Championships, sealing victory in multiple sporting codes. The maroon machine took home the gold in the men’s rugby, men’s hockey, women’s hockey and netball championships, while adding a number of silver and bronze medals to an impressive medal tally. Rugby In a repeat of…
Read MoreMaties first year cricketer Cunningham a rising talent for WP
In the world of professional sport many players find themselves missing out on opportunities that could launch their career and often times these chances do not come around a second time. But for BSc Computer Science undergraduate, Ethan Cunningham, this opportunity came and he did not drop the proverbial ball with this one. Cunningham has…
Read MoreMaties Sport New Staff Movements 2022
As we enter the second half of the year, we would like to commemorate our Maties Staff on their new staff movements and promotions. We are proud to announce our new Head of Sport Management, Reginald Smith. “I am excited about the challenge. I look forward to working with our various Sport Managers and supporting…
Read MoreWomen in Sport Leadership: Anja Lamont Chairperson of Maties Table Tennis
Although table tennis may seem like a social sport, Anja Lamont takes the sport seriously and has had a passion from a young age. Naturally, she began playing tennis throughout her schooling career because it was a common sport offered at schools where she could get exposure and training from a coach. “It was the…
Read MoreLet’s Get Moving Together! A Toolkit for Grassroots Sport Leaders
At the start of 2022 I was approached by my former PhD supervisor with information pertaining to a pilot project that was being initiated by the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), with funding from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). I was encouraged to apply and was chosen…
Read MoreWomen leadership in Sport – Alouise Campher Maties Sport Squash Chairperson
A lifetime sport fanatic, Alouise Campher explains her journey through sport and how important it is to follow your dreams. She began playing sport at the young age of nine years old. But when she was introduced to squash, she immediately fell in love. In her earlier days of life, she began playing netball, squash,…
Read MoreMaties Sport empowers HP Coaches through Coaches Forum
Maties Sport High Performance Unit (HPU) this year have started out a Coaches Forum in order to empower our coaches in different areas of sporting expertise. The first Coaches Forum session for 2022 was held in April, with the next three being presented by Desiree Ellis (Banyana Banyana Head Coach), Kimara Singh (Maties Sport Manager:…
Read MoreWomen in Sport: Is it just enough to talk about it?
Introduction South Africa is 28 years into its democracy, with a constitution that commits to the promotion of human rights and gender equality for all. We also have national sport prescripts that are aligned to gender reform within and across the South African sporting landscape. The National Sport and Recreation Amendment Act 18 of 2007,…
Read MoreA day in the life of Sean Surmon
As deputy director of High Performance at Maties Sport, Sean Surmon is passionate about helping student-athletes achieve their sporting goals. As we kicked off May commemorating Workers’ Day, we dedicate this series of articles to our staff and their important contribution to the University. We’ve asked Sean, who has been with Stellenbosch University (SU) for…
Read MoreFormula 1 Racing in South Africa – What Can We Learn from the Past?
The global growth and popularity of Formula 1 racing was clear to see at the most recent Grand Prix event in Miami, Florida, held during the weekend of 6–8 May 2022. The biggest names in sport and entertainment, including the likes of Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Serena Williams, Matt Damon and David Beckham (to name…
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