Jerry Laka, Maties Sport se Direkteur: Steundienste, het in April vanjaar sy meestersgraad aan die Suidelike Besigheidskool verwerf met ’n tesis wat handel oor die “Die aantrekking en behoud van talentvolle administratiewe sportpersoneel in ’n Suid-Afrikaanse universiteitsportomgewing” (The attraction and retention of talented sports administrative staff in a University Sports South African environment).
Dit is ’n belangrike onderwerp vir Laka, omdat dit een van Maties Sport se strategiese en ontwikkelingsareas is. Maties Sport roem hulself daarop dat hulle bedryfsuitnemendheid en die persoonlike groei van personeel nastreef om uiteindelik ’n “voorkeurwerkgewer” te wees.
Laka is nie net een van die senior bestuurders by Maties Sport nie, maar ook koshuishoof van die sportkoshuis Huis Neethling, wat huisvesting bied aan meer as 100 studente-atlete wat Maties op provinsiale of nasionale vlak verteenwoordig. Hy bestee tallose ure om Maties Sport-personeel op verskillende gebiede te ondersteun, soos finansies, handelsmerksbevordering, vennootskappe, fasiliteite en bestuur. Hy vind daarbenewens ook nog tyd om as ’n mentor op te tree vir studente-atlete wat hul tuisdorpe verlaat het om by die Universiteit Stellenbosch te studeer en hier hul sport te beoefen.
Hoewel hy 20 jaar se ondervinding in sportbestuur het, is hy vasberade om sy kennis uit te brei, veral in terme van sport en die behoud van sportadministrateurs. Hy beklemtoon gedurig die waarde van opleiding.
“Ek sê altyd vir my studente in Huis Neethling dat hulle eerstens studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch is, en dan sportsterre,” sê Laka.
Laka se prestasies sluit die volgende in. Hy het al gedien as:
- Algemene sekretaris van die Konfederasie van Universiteit- en Kollegesportassosiasies (KUKSA);
- ’n Lid van Universiteitesport Suid-Afrika (USSA) se nasionale uitvoerende komitee;
- Assistentafrigter van Banyana Banyana wat in 2012 by die Olimpiese Spele in Londen deelgeneem het;
- ’n Lid van die algemene USSA-spanbestuur vir die Someruniversiade 2003-2017;
- Chef de Mission van die 29e Someruniversiade in 2017.
Ons wens ons kollega geluk met sy prestasie. Vind ’n abstrak van Jerry Laka se meesterstesis hieronder in Engels:
The attraction and retention of talented sports administrative staff in a University Sports South African environment
“The university sport environment in South Africa has been drastically developed in the last ten (10) years, with the introduction of the Varsity Cup in 2008 and Varsity Sports in 2009, which are both commercial competitions that require a great deal of expertise to organise teams and the logistical planning required. Therefore, South African universities are under pressure to recruit and retain efficient, as well as talented sport officers, sport administrators and sport managers (i.e., sport administration employees or [SAEs]) who can deliver successful sports programmes. Departments of sport in universities also need to improve their service offerings, especially in high-performance sport, this in turn affects the recruitment and retention of talented SAEs.
This study sought to discover the patterns, qualities and strategies for the recruitment and retention of SAEs at South African universities.
The SAEs are responsible for the administration and management of quality sports programs at universities to benefit students and the surrounding communities. Hence the need for appropriate recruitment and retention of talented SAEs. These employees are important enablers of sport programs and a vital component of strategic leadership within sport management and administration.
The researcher utilised a qualitative research method in the study to understand the researched phenomenon through interviews from people working in the university sport environment. The researcher conducted virtual interviews with respondents who are in the department of sport in selected South African universities. Data was collected through structured interviews with 18 heads of sport, sport administrators, sport officers and sport managers from 17 South African universities.
The study identified a lack of strategies, plans or procedures that deal with the recruitment and retention of SAEs at South African universities. The challenges of recruitment and retention were also highlighted in the study. Moreover, the study identified challenges for recruitment and retention of SAEs; the qualities required for employment SAEs and the factors that lead to high staff turnover in South African university sport.
In terms of management implications of the study, it is essential for university management to consider developing strategies for the recruitment and retention of SAEs while simultaneously considering the significance of succession planning.
In conclusion, the implementation of successful sport and recreation programs at South African universities is dependent on the recruitment and retention of talented SAEs. Therefore, it is crucial for South African universities to develop and implement plans and strategies that will assist with the recruitment and retention of such personnel.” (Laka, 2022)
By Jamie Wyngaardt